Tenute Dettori

Make Me Italy chose Tenute Dettori because:

  • They are caring custodians of the land that destiny has entrusted to them
  • They apply ancient treatments to this land (uncompromising biodynamics)
  • They represent a model of choice (the only one in Sardinia, one of the few in Italy) in the exaltation of biodiversity and uniqueness
  • Dettori’s pressing and winemaking practices are unique in the world
  • Everything done in the farm is for the exclusive benefit of the land
  • Alessandro Dettori represents the philosophically independent and free Farmer.

Winemakers, Artisans of Wine and Land in Romangia.

Dettori is a family of shepherds and farmers who have been producing authentic, original and territorial wines since the beginning of the 20th century. The wine has always been sold in demijohns until 1981, when Paolo began bottling part of it.


Tenute Dettori is located in the far north west of Sardinia, in the Romangia del Logudoro, a “golden place” between Sassari and Castelsardo, where they are custodians of the “Badde Nigolosu” Cru.


In this internal and historic area of ​​Cannonau, on the highest hills, a natural theater overlooking the Gulf of Asinara just 4 km from the sea, Tenute Dettori cultivates in Badde Nigolosu only ancient clones of Sardinian grapes processed according to the principles of biodynamic agriculture, with natural vinification and refinements exclusively in cement. They don’t need wood to tame the tannins. Only with skilful work in the vineyard the grapes arrive in the cellar already with all the characteristics to make a great wine.


The vines, trained as saplings, live in the center of an uncontaminated environment, protected by 20 hectares of Mediterranean scrub forest, between approximately 250 and 300 meters above sea level. The sea regulates the climate and the strength of the light. Every single vineyard gives rise to a single wine (clos) with unique and unrepeatable characteristics, which immediately evoke the Romangia, historical terroir for Vermentino, Moscato di Sorso-Sennori and Cannonau, whose specific clone here has its own name: Retagliadu Nieddu.

In years in which there was the belief that traditional vines alone would not be enough to make great wines, Dettori was the only one in Sardinia to give prominence to the Terroir by believing in and ennobling traditional vines, vinifying them naturally in purity, in separate clos. The first to believe in biodynamic agriculture and natural winemaking.


From the very beginning, Dettori deliberately gave up using the “Doc Sardegna (cannonau and vermentino)”, because it was too distant from their work. Dettori wanted to put the Terroir before everyone and everything, not the grapes with which it was made. Grapes are one of the many cultural elements of a terroir and it is not the most important. With the IGT they knew that they would not be able to indicate the grape variety, but it was precisely this that convinced them of the choice. Despite the greatest difficulties, they chose the name “ROMANGIA IGT”.

Dettori has always worked at the service of the terroir, with no compromise.